Tech Tip: Lean Density vs Ignition Misfire

January 12, 2018

In this tech tip from the course Labscope Diagnostics Version 3.0, instructor Bill Fulton explains how to determine whether a P0300 code is caused by an ignition or lean density misfire by looking at the fuel trim values with your scan tool.


[dn_related_product title=”Labscope Diagnostics Version 3.0″ description=”AVI instructor Bill Fulton updates his labscope diagnostic strategies with new case studies focusing on compression waveforms. Even those technicians who have been using their labscopes for years will acquire new tips and techniques for quicker and more accurate engine diagnostics.” link=”/shop/service-centers/lbt-313-labscope-diagnostics-version-3-0/” image=”/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/LBT-313-480X320.jpg”]
