Chrysler MultiAir is one of Chrysler’s most exciting engine systems. MultiAir technology represents a leap forward in automotive engineering, offering improved fuel efficiency, enhanced performance, and reduced emissions. This course takes a close look at the hydraulic systems and diagnostics used with MultiAir engines. You will have a solid understanding of how MultiAir functions, service considerations, and important maintenance tips.
- MultiAir Overview
- Normal Engine Operation
- Cranking: MultiAir Issue
- Variable Valve Phases
- Exhaust and Intake Valves
- And More
Course Objectives:
- Overview of MultiAir Operation
- Be Familiar with MultiAir Service Considerations
- Identify Lift and Valve Phases
- Describe Operation of MultiAir Actuator
- Perform Scan Tool Diagnostics
- Describe VVA Adaptives Reset
Runtime = 62 minutes
Credit Hours = 1.75