Repair Shop Coach – Car Count Weekly Training Bundle



Every week, Ron Ipach (aka Captain Car Count) will provide you tips, tricks, tactics, and strategies to help keep your shop filled with high-quality customers.


RSC-08 The 40-40-20 Rule of Marketing

Before the internet and availability of low-cost and free marketing options, savvy marketers developed the 40-40-20 Rule to insure that their expensive marketing campaigns would pay off. If you’re looking […]

RSC-09 Ask Every Customer

There are six vitally important questions that you must ask every customer that will double the effectiveness of your future marketing endeavors. I’ll tell you what they are and why […]

RSC-10 Birds of a Feather

Wouldn’t it be great if we could clone our very best clients and only work with customers just like them? Today I’ll share with you the next best thing.

RSC-11 How To Stand Out In A Crowd

The average consumer sees over 7000 advertisements every single day. How are you supposed to cut through all that clutter and get your marketing noticed? I’ll share a few ideas […]

RSC-12 Ignore The Caller ID

The last thing you want to do is to pick up a ringing phone only to find an a salesperson on the other end. While you could have avoided this […]

RSC-15 How To 100X The Value Of Your Marketing

Spending money on advertising can either suck money out of your bank account or fill it up. Often the difference between both scenarios is a teeny-tiny difference. In today’s Car […]

RSC-16 Riding the Car Count Roller Coaster

Doesn’t it just drive you crazy when you have more customers than you can handle one week; then the next week – sometimes even days later – you’re left wondering […]

RSC-17 Looking For The Best Customers To Attract To Your Shop?

There may be tens of thousands of people in your marketplace, but only a few that you should be targeting with your hard-earned marketing dollars. Knowing who they are can […]