Delphi Training Series: Diagnosing to Win With Fuel Trim



ARCHIVED LIVESTREAM- Fuel trim (FT) data is the automotive equivalent of a medical “CT Scan” of combustion event efficiency. Much has been written on the subject of fuel trim, yet much is still not understood regarding the causes of those high and low numbers. Is it a vacuum leak, faulty MAF or drippy fuel injector causing that FT number to be off? In this one-hour live cast training event, veteran instructor Dave Hobbs will provide valuable information on:

  • Short-term, Long-term fuel trim and total fuel trim defined
  • Long-term adaptive memory blocks/cells
  • FT reset Dos and Don’ts
  • Graphing to perfect FT diagnostics
  • Misfires, false air, exhaust leaks, vacuum leaks and FT numbers – what to expect
  • O2 Sensor Types and Operation / Switch Times and Voltage Ranges
  • FT, MAF and VE – what they’ll tell you about the engine’s mechanical condition